Art Blogging - Back On Track
Art blogging became part of my life for a while. At the end of each day I quite liked rambling on about what had happened or even just talked about what music I had listened to. I am going back 5 or more years when I say this. Once I moved my blog to my web site and it became an integral part, it became a bit more difficult.I can be quite opinionated and I think that it was perhaps the wrong place to rant about a pet hate or show pictures of my mum and me on mothers' day!
Also, for the past five or six years, the design of my website has been a real source of frustration. I became very familiar with wordpress templates and none of them, quite did what I wanted them to do. They either didn't have te right image presentation, were too fussy, had the wrong structure: you name it.
So, after much messing about and deliberating, I have changed my website, back to my favourite look - reasonably clean with a relatively simple navigation.
I have also, for the moment, taken the blog off (leaving just a small almost hidden link to it in the footer) and i will be using blogger or blogspot for my blogging. This means I am free to rant about religion, polotics, the price of a pint of lager and of course, art, without being too worried that it detracts from my artwork on the website.
Happy blogging days ahead :-)