More coloured pencil dabblings today.
Since buying my box f Derwent pencils I have become something of an addict to coloured pencils. I found myself still scribbling away at 3am this morning until my body was screaming at me to get some sleep!
I am really excited about working in this medium. I have had a rummage around on the web and the first thing that strikes me is the same as what strikes me if you search Google for "pencil drawings" or "graphite art" - almost everything looks the same. This scares me. As an artist the thought of my artwork looking like someone elses horrifies me. and yet there are so many artist's who seem to want their art to look like someone elses.
I intend to keep going with the coloured pencils. I have now produced three drawings and I feel that I have not even scratched the surface (pardon the pun).
So, here's to more coloured pencil art soon but I don't think I will be repeating my 3am stint tonight.