I'm m starting to take this coloured pencil artwork thing quite seriously.
Having cut my teeth on some small figurative pieces and then progressing with some more detailed landscapes, I am almost finished with this piece which has taken many more hours (days) than I thought she would when I set out to create her.
Inbetween all this I have been finding out more and more about coloured pencils. The main issue seems to be that in some quarters, they are not taken seriously as a medium. this is just plain silly. I think their is a psychological connection with many people to the fact that we all drew with coloured pencils when we were children. Well, things have moved on since then and although there are still these types of pencil on the market, companies such as Derwent, Faber Castel and Caran d' Ache have all invested in developing superior quality professional ranges. With colourfastnes of a century, I am happy to use these products. In fact I am more than happy: I adore the medium.
I spent most of 2012 drawing and only painted a few pieces. A whole year working with graphite and charcoal taught me so much. Drawing also has a rawness about it and shows the "bare bones" of an artist. there is no hiding. By the start of 2013 I was finally beginning to miss colour - something that some galleries had told me their customers wanted. I was not influenced by this and stuck to my guns. I reintroduced colour when I was ready to.
So, to the lady above. Although she is not completed yet, I like the way that she has progressed. She has given me so many ideas for new pieces and also for the way I approach those pieces from a technical viewpoint.
I think my brushes will be staying dry for a little while yet.