Thursday 4 September 2008

J.K. Rowling and Other Scots

Thanks for the emails asking if I am still alive. It's lovely to know that people out there actually do look at my website.

There has not been much uploading of new work over the past while: apologies for that if you have been looking in to see new art.

Things seem to have taken a leap skyword and I have no less than 9 events from August to December.

On the right is a sneak preview of a work in progress which is being painted for a very special event in December this year. I am sworn to secrecy at the moment but more news on it soon. This painting of JK Rowling is called the "White Witch". I am attempting to catch the charm and sinister nature of a brilliant mind whilst tipping a hat to the feel of the Harry Potter movies.

This also gives me a chance to tell my JK Rowling story! Back around 1996, I worked as a Designer for a company in Edinburgh. We were based in an old, listed building by a graveyard. In the morning, I would drive in through the gate and sometimes be met by a lady driving a Mazda 323, same car that I was, in the same colour: midnight blue. She lived in a small flat which was part of the railway bridge nearby the office. She was apparently quite annoyed at people blocking her exit and wrote a letter to my then boss. He wishes he had kept it as the lady was indeed, JK Rowling herself.

My guess is she no longer drives the same car as I do.....