Friday, 1 October 2010

Glasgow Artists Get Ready

The studios in Glasgow where I am based "WASPS Artists Studios", are norrmally a fairly peaceful place. Today however, things were reaching a crescendo as a host of Glasgow Artists got ready for Open Studios.

This is a once a year weekend when, as the name suggests, painters, ceramicists, glass artists and textile designers all open their doors and welcome the public.

 It's possibly the only time in the year when the windows get washed and floors are swept. The corridors, normally bare, were being hung with artwork today and the place was looking great.

My studio was getting there, as I took delivery of some newly framed paintings. Unusually for me, these had glass on them. I tend to avoid glazing my original paintings as I ship my art all over the world but I thought that I would push the boat out for the open Studios weekend.

The mini-fridge in the studio is even stocked with wine and pretzels - all I need now are some visitors.