Saturday 17 December 2016

Returning Artist 

There has not been an entry on this blog for a very long time. I probably need to change the strapline at the top which says that it is regularly updated.

To cut a long story short, health issues got the better of me. Although I am not yet back to "normal", there are signs that things are improving a little. You can read a little more about this on this Pencil Drawing post.

All the cliche's about "if you don't have your health, you have nothing" are true. It's only when you are in the position where you are living it every day do you realise just how accurate this is.

Coloured Pencil Saviours

A few years ago, before I had to give ip the ghost, I had been building up a portfolio of new artwork. I had been in touch with a few new galleries and I had really been looking forward to setting off in a slightly new direction for me with the aid of some new art galleries. None of this came to pass and the art world seems to have changed a little in the past few years. 

Quite a few galleries I  knew of have gone. Victims to the financial downturn and its aftermath. So sad.

I am in the position that when I do get back to some kind of normal, I have over 30 half finished artworks to complete. This is an odd position to be in . It is a good place to start and it will also be interesting seeing how my approach has differed after an enforced break.

At my worst, I was entirely bedridden for days. I would have gone insane listening to radio and watching TV when I could. Respite came in the form of coloured pencils. 

I kept some pencils and paper nearby at all times. Some days I never touched them or only doodled for ten minutes but ten minutes was better than nothing.

Coloured pencils were a medium I saw as "less than". Unfortunately this is a common perception and it is entirely wrong.

There re now some wonderful coloured pencil artists out there. Coloured pencis themselves have changed greatly. They are now available on light fast versions and some of the best galleries worldwide are starting to take notice.

"Aries" shown above, is one of the pieces partly created from the artist's bed! I feel that I am in good company as I know Frida Khalo had to paint from bed after her accident.

So, I will endeavor to keep this little blog updated with some different articles from my main website.

Art Exposure

One of the things that has amazed me is the sheer volume of visitors to this website  whilst I have been away. It's in the many thousands. I am surprised, pleased and would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to visit.